Automation Panel 9xD - Hygienic design User's manual V 1.80
7.4 RFID read/write transponder unit
7.4.1 Commissioning Connection
The reader can be used on any conventional type A USB interface that fulfills the specifications listed in the technical
data for 5E9020.29. Supported operating systems
Windows XP Professional
Windows 7
Windows 10 (no driver necessary) Driver installation
The driver for the USB communication device class (CDC) must be installed before using the transponder.
After the driver installation, the reader is identified as a serial COMx device.
This driver can be downloaded from the B&R website ( Port settings
The following port settings are necessary for communication:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None Terminal program
For testing purposes, an appropriate terminal program (note
) can be used to communicate with the
reader. In Windows, the freeware tools RealTerm or Tera Term can be used, for example.
Depending on the configuration of the terminal program, it may be necessary to enable input echoing
(command "echo_on") in order to see the input on the screen.