B&D Roll-A-Pro Quick Operation Manual Download Page 4


       (Requires Smart Hub)

5 . 0   S M A R T   P H O N E   C O N T R O L

B E F O R E   Y O U   S T A R T

Download the B&D App 

to your smartphone

S T E P   T W O

Ensure limits are

set prior to connecting

to wifi

S T E P   O N E

Open APP

and click START


W A R N I N G ! :   This device allows for operation of 

the door when not in line-of-sight of the door 

and opener. The door may operate unexpectedly, 

therefore do not allow anything to stay in or near 

the path of the door.

Go to phone settings, 

then WiFi and select 


The home WiFi router 

is within range of 


The Smart Phone Control works via your home’s WiFi network. 

Initial set up involves linking your phone app and smart hub 

to your home network.

Set up new

Smart Hub in app

S T E P   T H R E E

Smart Hub connect 

appears, ensure WiFi 

network = 



instructions in the app

Connect the Smart 

Hub to power.

Upon completion, 

test the opener 

through the 

B&D App.
