Each transmitter (black unit) monitors a sensor. When the sensor detects a change
(door opens or closes), it will transmit this information to one or more receivers
(white units).
Each receiver will then beep
(once for door closed and twice for door open).
When all doors are closed, a green light will stay on. When one or more doors are
open, an amber light will blink.
Each transmitter has a unique identification number which it transmits along with
the door and battery status. Only those receivers who know this number will
respond to this transmitter.
To make a transmitter “known” to a receiver is called “programming”.
When transmitter(s) and receiver(s) are bundled together and purchased as a set,
then each receiver “knows” each of the transmitter(s). Simply put in the batteries
and install the units.
If a transmitter is purchased separately to be added to an existing system, then
“programming” will need to be done. See page called
Programming Units