Part Numbers: 855-12622-RX, 855-12622-TX
The above part numbers must be installed in pairs. As a pair,
the units provide secure data to be passed in one direction
McLIM TP-TX/FX is an Auto Negotiating, switching media converter
which offers plug-and-play operation to convert 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps,
Half- or Full-Duplex twisted pair to 100Base-FX, Full-Duplex fiber.
McLIM TP-TX/FX protects against Broadcast storms, and allows jumbo
packets of up to 1916 bytes. The modules deployed as a pair, allow
transmission of data in one direction only.
McLIMs include one RJ-45 connector for the twisted pair port and
single-strand fiber over multi-mode with SC convertors.
You can install media conversion modules in any available slot in a
MediaConverter chassis. Media conversion modules are hot-
Media conversion modules ship from the factory with brackets for
securing them to the MediaConverter chassis. To install a module,
simply unscrew the blank bracket covering the slot where you will
install the module. Slide the module into the chassis, via the card
guides, until the module is seated securely in the connector, screw in
the bracket supplied with the module, then connect the cables.
The modular MediaConverter series includes modules which can
convert copper to single-mode or multi-mode fiber at Fast Ethernet.
Modular MediaConverter chassis provide power to media converter
modules, and are available with one, four, eight or 12 slots for
installing the 10/100 McLIM, TP-TX/FX.