232XSSD43800 Manual
B&B Electronics -- PO Box 1040 -- Ottawa, IL 61350
PH (815) 433-5100 -- FAX (815) 433-5104
1) SETUP.EXE Method (preferred)
If the software was installed on your hard drive follow these
Type C: and press the ENTER key.
Type CD\XSS and press the ENTER key.
Or if you are going to execute SETUP.EXE from the floppy drive
follow these steps:
Place the “DOS” disk in drive A.
Type A: and press the ENTER key.
To begin the XSSTSR program follow these steps:
Type SETUP and press the ENTER key. You will be prompted
for parameters (for descriptions refer to the Parameters
section) that are necessary for the XSSTSR to communicate
with the Smart Switch. The values in [ ] are the default values.
If this value is desired, just press the ENTER key.
Enter Port Address [02F8]:
Enter Baud Rate
( 1 = 150
2 = 300 3 = 600
4 = 1200 5 = 2400
6 = 4800
7 = 9600 8 = 19200 9 = 38400) [7]:
Enter Parity (0 = No 1 = Odd 2 = Even) [0]:
Enter Number of Data Bits 7 = Seven Data Bits
8 = Eight Data Bits) [8]:
Enter Smart Switch User Defined Char (Decimal Value) [2]:
Enter Three Character or Four Character Command String
(0 = 3 Char. 1 = 4 Char.) [0]: