Balkene Home ASTORIA 63709 Manual Download Page 10

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an additional year

















Summary of Contents for ASTORIA 63709

Page 1: of your proof of purchase or order U Úµ Á Ñ U Ñ Lg gg_g_ t Ó É gg_ Á U Á UÁ É L ÉÁ Ñ µµ ÁÓ U Ðgµ yg Purchase Date Questions problems missing parts HIRUH UHWXUQLQJ WR RXU UHWDLOHU RXU ORULGD EDVHG FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH WHDP LV DYDLODEOH Á tµgg l lu ºlºº o Ðg U Á U g Ì UgJÍg Ìg g_ g ÍÍÍ L g g g U o _ Ó o µ _ Ó 25 ...

Page 2: ...f needed Keep unassembled µÁ _ µ_Ñ µg Ñ Ó tµ U _µg _ t Á U yg U Á µÁ _ µ Á _É Á assembly required 1 ÁµÉUÁ Lgt µg Lgy y g L Ó Éµg Á _ Ó µg É Á t É ÁÓ g L Ó _ Ág Á ÉµÓ g L g Á g Ág tÁ Lµ Ðg ɵt Ug ÉU U µ gÁ µ U µ_L µ_ Á Ð _ _ y y Á g Ág Ò tg _ Á L gÁ 15 33 _ µ Ñgµ u gt µg Lgy y g L Ó g ɵg µÁ µg µg g Á µg µÁ µgUg Ðg_ Ñ Á Á g µÁ Á t Ó µÁ is missing or damaged do NOT attempt to assemble the product Pl...

Page 3: ... 2 I µ Ñgµ U 2 J Drawer Bottom 2 K Middle Face Frame L Base Front Back Panel 2 Ï 24 U gÍ wÎÁÕ Ï 8 Íg Ï 14 U gÍ wÎwÕ Ï 6 U Å Ï 24 U gÍ Á uÎ Ä Ï 24 O L g Å g gt HARDWARE CONTENTS A B C D E L ŏ ŏ ŏ ŏ č Ĩ 0ŏ 1 ĩ g _ U gÍ_ Ìg PARTS LIST CABINET 3 8 3S P Drawer Å g Lef Q Cabinet Å g Righ R Íg Å g y F G H I N K M Base Side Panel 2 M J N Upper Face Frame 1 ...

Page 4: ...r assembly Estimated Assembly Time 1 Hour DO NOT over tighten hardware A E C L L M M K N B D I H J F G I H J F G 1 Locate the Top Panel A Bottom Panel B Left and Right Sides C D Drawer Fronts F Upper Face Frame J Middle Face Frame K Base Front Back Panels L and Base Side Panels M Lay indicated parts inside up or blank non drilled sides facing down Prepare for assembly by inserting Cam Bolts 1 into...

Page 5: K Á Ág g U U Å Á g µµ Ñ Á g Á t Á g g _ Uµ µ y Á Á Ñ µ_ Á g _ Ug Á g Á g g_yg t Á g g Ñ in the diagram above NOTE the Side Panels in the drawing are shown upside down Join the Left and Right Sides by installing the Middle Face Frame as shown Rotate each Cam Lock Nut clockwise until it catches securely on its corresponding Cam Bolt _Í g 1 g_ U gÍ M3 5x12 Ò 12 ASSEMBLY UURZ PXVW SRLQW toward edge...

Page 6: ...h the Cam Bolts previously installed in the Table Top Join the Left and Right Sides to the Top Panel by rotating the 4 Cam Lock Nuts until they catch the corresponding Cam Bolts 5 Á Á g Upper Face Frame N LÓ t tt y Á g previously installed Dowels in its edge into the holes in the underside of the Table Top as shown Secure using 2 Screws 6 6 Slide the Back Panel E into place along the grooves in th...

Page 7: ...ts near the ends of the Base Front Back Panels into the corresponding holes in the short edges of both Base Side Panels to form a rectangular base as shown _Í g 1 g_ 2 Cam Lock Nut Ò 4 D B 6 6 6 L L M Attach the assembled table base to the Bottom Panel B by first inserting Cam Lock Nuts 2 into the 6 remaining holes on the interior of the table base Rotate each Cam Lock Nut so the arrow points towa...

Page 8: ...lide the Drawer Bottoms J into position in the grooves of the G 2 Attach the Drawer Fronts F by first inserting Cam Lock Nuts 2 into the holes on the outside of the table base near the open end of the drawer Rotate each Cam Lock Nut so the arrow points toward the adjoining cam bolt hole in the open edge of the drawer Insert the previously installed Cam Bolts in the Drawer Fronts into the holes in ...

Page 9: ...m above the drawer illustration Repeat to install Runners on the second drawer ASSEMBLY 13 15 _Í g 1 g_ 5 Screw M3 5x12 Ò 12 Your Astoria Nightstand is ready for use 14 Insert the drawers by guiding the wheels at the back of the Drawer Runners OVER the wheels at the front of the Cabinet Runners You may need to angle the front of the drawer up slightly until the drawer wheels have settled into the ...

Page 10: ...µ _ t U Á t ɵg Á Á µ gµ g L Ó µ Ág Ug gµÐ Ug LÓ É ÉÁ µ g_ yg UÓ µ É g t É ÉÁ µ g_ U g Á µ _ yg Á Á ÁÁµ LÉÁ L g Á UÁ t _ µg U Ðgµg_ Ág_ Ñ µµ ÁÓ y Ðg Ó É gU t U gy µ y Á _ Ó É Ó Ðg Á gµ µ y Á Ñ U Ð µÓ tµ ɵ _ UÁ Á ɵ _ UÁ g µ Ð t Á g 1 Ág_ Á Ðg Á Áµ UÁ t µ Á g g t _ Á Ó Á Á Ág_ Ñ µµ ÁÓ µ Á g g t µ _ÉUÁ U Ðgµg_ LÓ Á Ág_ Ñ µµ ÁÓ T 8 7 8 T 1 1 9 1 T 1 7 7 1 1 1 6 9 1 9 T 6 7 7 6 6 1 9 9 7 9 9 1 6 8 9 ...
