Pilot Lighting And Adjustments
Most ovens have a combination valve that supplies gas
to the pilot burner. Some ovens have a pilot safety valve.
The basic method is the same for each.
The 7000 combination valve has a dial that controls the
gas flow. Turn it to “PILOT”. The pilot safety valve has a
RED button.
Turn the gas supply to the oven ON.
Slightly depress and turn the combination gas cock
knob to the PILOT position.
Depress the dial or the red button and hold. It may take
several minutes to bleed air from the tubing supplying
gas to the pilot burner.
Apply a flame to the pilot burner to light. Continue to
hold the dial/button depressed for at least 30 seconds
for the flame to be sensed by the valve.
After letting go of the dial/button if the pilot flame goes
out repeat the above steps.
Once the flame is lit and burning normally for several
minutes to insure all air is bled from the supply tube the
flame may need to be adjusted. On pilot safety valves
there is an adjustment screw above the red button. On
combination valves there is an adjustment screw at
the top left corner of the valve body. Remove the pilot
adjustment cap.
Using a small flat blade screwdriver turn the screw
counter-clockwise to reduce the size of the flame. Turn
the screw clockwise to increase the size of the flame.
The flame should be approximately 3/8 in to 1/2 in high
and wrap around the flame sensor bulb.
Flame And Air Mixture Adjustments
Light the burners and turn the thermostat dial to the
desired temperature setting. Allow the flame to burn for
a few minutes to settle.
Observe the burner flame. The flame should be sharply
formed cone shapes that are blue in color. If your fuel
source is propane there may be yellow tips that flicker
If the flame is not formed, is lazy, and has a lot of yellow
color, not enough air is mixing with the gas. If the
flame “roars” and you can see the base of the flame
separating from the burner pipe– lifting, there is too
much air mixing with the gas. For either condition the
air/fuel mixture must be adjusted.
Pilot Safety Valve
7000 Valve