Bailey Infi90 Instruction Download Page 24

Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE |

Summary of Contents for Infi90

Page 1: ...service in house repair center WE BUY USED EQUIPMENT Sell your excess underutilized and idle used equipment We also offer credit for buy backs and trade ins www artisantg com WeBuyEquipment REMOTE IN...

Page 2: ...E96 506 Modular Power System A0835 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...


Page 4: ...hrough supportive text diagrams and flowcharts It provides the user With mtroductory matenal and specific mstrucbons for mstallahon operation troubleshootmg and mamtenance for the sys tern based on th...

Page 5: ...Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal When an update IS recetved msert the latest changed pages and d1spose of the super seded pages NOTE On an updale page the changed text or tab e s nd c...



Page 8: ...IEPEPOl Rear Vte Conn ctmg Cables to Multiple Module Mountmg Un ts Po er Entry Panel IEPEP03 Troubleshooting Flowchart Bus Momtor Po er Supply Module Troubleshootm 5 Flo chart Po er Entry Panel IEPEP...

Page 9: ...he Modu e Mount ng Un t backp ane protect agamst nc denta contact w th AC Do net remove these covers p 3 8 To prevent shock when remov ng the power supply modu e wa t 5 seconds to a ow 1ne f ter capac...

Page 10: ...odules mmu assurent une protectton contra expos ton au courant alternat f Ne pas ret rer ces couverc es p 3 8 Pour evlter les chocs electr ques attendre 5 secondes avant de toucher au module af n de p...

Page 11: ...Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 12: ...e IEPEPOlts the baste versiOn It has surge protection and Pov er Fatl Interrupt detectiOn however Jt does not have cJrcmt breakers or de voltage momtonng capabihhes The IEPEP03 has additional features...

Page 13: ...rahon cahbrahon troubleshoohng and mamtenance mformahon Read and understand this document before placmg the power svstem mto service A summary ol sectiOn content follows Introduction An overv1ew of th...

Page 14: ...s hst and warranty informah m Nomenclature Hardware Part Number AC F eld Power Modu e lEPAF01 AC System Power Module JEPAS01 Cab net AC Bus Bar 1948516 3 Cabmet DC Bus Bar 1948506 6 Cable Save Expande...

Page 15: ...t Power Supp y Modu e outputs 24 VDC on y for fed powered de vces Power Supp y Module outputs 5 15 15 and 24 VDC Power Entry Panel Power Fa nterrupt S gna generated by the PEP f oss of ac or out of t...

Page 16: ...cunds every ha f cycle t Surge Protection Differential Mode Common Mode 120 VAC nput to PEP 295 to 350 VO IS max 500 to 650 volts max 240 VAC mp t to PEP 650 to 750 volts max 800 to 1 100 volts max Tr...

Page 17: ...m 15 75 VDC maJ Imum 100 mV peaK tu fl pp e Tax uT 24 VDC 25 5 VDC m n mum 27 0 VDC max mum 1oo mV peak to peak r pp e max mum Bus Monitor Trip Pomts Bus Voltage 5VDC 4 76 VDC 0 06 VDC 15 VDC 14 3 VDC...

Page 18: ...max mum Low True TTL Leve 60 mA max mum EPEP01 and IEPEP03 Low True TTL Leve 4 mA max mum C ose to A arrr 24 VDC ax f uf 20 A nduct1ve cads reqwre d ode suppress on Low True TTL Leve 1 rnA Low 2 VDC...

Page 19: ...2 em 19 nches 48 26 em 27 nches 68 58 em 1 75 nches 4 44 em 19 nches 48 26 em 13 nches 33 02 em 7 mcnes 1 r t8 em 19 snches 48 26 em 12 5mches 31 75 em 70 C 158 F Basep ate must not exceed 85 C 188 F...

Page 20: culattons show the efftCJency of components to be 80 Heat smk dtsstpahon of approxtmately 5 watts produces a 15 C 59 F nse maxunum heat nse at 70 C 158 F ambtent temperature mstde cabmet Overall po...

Page 21: ...module or modules to the mteger Power module placement IS 1mportant For optimum coohng power modules should not be slacked at one end of the Mod ule Mountmg Umt See F1gure 3 8 m the Installation sect...

Page 22: ...BLS6AR Bus bars dtstnbute AC and DC power throughout the cabmet The AC bus bar has three separate conductor layers The DC Bus Bar has etght separate conductor layers The use of bus bars reduces hand...

Page 23: and Fan Assembly Th1s versiOn has no circUit breakers There are two tenmnal blocks One ts for lme mput the other for output to the AC bus bar for dtstnbu hon to the power modules The PEP has surge...

Page 24: ...tus LED ts red hen voltages are low or other mputs are bad The Status S1gnal goes to the Commumcahon System hardware whtch 1s the Bus Interface Module for Plant Loop Systems and the Network Interlace...

Page 25: ...three Wire twzsted cable whlle the Slave Expander Bus uses a flat 40 conductor nhbon cable POWER SUPPLY MODULES The AC System Power Module IEPAS01 converts the 120 240 VAC at the MMU backplane to a pn...

Page 26: ...h1s preset voltage 1f an output requu es more current the module automatically compensates NOTE The factory preset vo tages are not fed adjustab e The AC F1eld Power Module IEPAFOl IS funchonally the...

Page 27: ...block d1agram m F1gure 2 4 shows the flow of status s1gnals through the system The followmg text e plams thiS flow F1gure 2 4 Status Szgnal Block Dzagram I E96 506A Artisan Technology Group Quality I...

Page 28: an ISolated customer alarm output If any bus volt age s1gnal falls out of speclfiCahon a Bus Voltage Alarm 1s generated The Power Modules generate thetr own status s1gnals These stgnals travel on t...

Page 29: ...Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 30: by e ectrostat c d scharge The Power Supply Modules use Electrostatic Sensthve ESD dev1ces Follow Steps 1 through 4 when handlmg Keep the modules m the1r spec 1al anh static bag unhl you are ready...

Page 31: a a1lable Refer to Product Instruchon I E93 900 5 S1te Planmng Preparation and Equipment Installation for add1honal mfor mahan The standard cabmet configura ton IS Po wer Entry Panel at the top w1...

Page 32: w th the system Place CircUit breakers CB1 and CB2 F1gure 3 2 on the front of the panel to the OFF pos1hon before connecting AC power mput w1nng 2 Connect 120 VAC or 240 VAC pnmary ac power to TB1...

Page 33: ...ts avallable to momtor customer external power supply voltages Use ter mmal t lock TB4 labeled AUX BUS MONITOR for th1s purpose Attach one mput to termmals 1 and 2 labeled CHL Connect the other mput t...

Page 34: ...the w r ng d a grams of Fo dout 1 at the end of th s 11anua Before mstalhng the AC Transfer Module set swllch Sl to the rear for 120 VAC operation s1lkscreened 110 on board or to the front for 240 VA...

Page 35: ...Enab e C osed or ON 1 D sab e Open or OFF 2 Unused mon tor nputs must be put n D sab e posrt on 3 Do not enab e a sw tches at once Do ng sow cause a Bad Status s gna Table 3 2 Bus Mom tor Module Jump...

Page 36: ...5 mounts dJrectly beneath the Puwm Enhy Paud and abuve the fn l Module Muunhng Umt Attach the fan power cable to the j4 connector on the Power Entry Panel A0617 F1gure 3 5 Fan Assembly SYSTEM INSTALLA...

Page 37: Ia plaque arrlere du chassis de montage des modules mmu assurent une protection contre l exposltJon au courant altematif Ne pas retlrer ces couvercles Before handling the Power Supply Modules Venf...

Page 38: ...wer Supply Module Layout 4 Ahgn the top and bottom edges of the c1rcmt board w1th the gmdes m the Module Mountmg Umt 5 Hold the module by the faceplate handle and sbde 1t mto the slot push unttl the r...

Page 39: ...a11ure to do so could result in severe or fatal shock Couper alimentation avant d lnstaller Jes d1pshu ts sur Ia plaque arnere du chassis de montage de modules MMU Toute negligence a cet egard consti...

Page 40: ...1re color 6 Apply pawer by connectmg the 120 240 VAC 50 60 Hz power mput to termmal block TBI on the rear of the panel NOTE W re your system per the co or codes n the w r ng d agram of Fodout2 CONNECT...

Page 41: ...3 9 2 Insert the nbbon connector m the hole m the upper MMU backplane bottom pos1hon Shde the latch to the left to lock mto place Insert the bottom nbbon connector m the lower MMU holes top pos1tlon S...

Page 42: ...dule fails A failure means that the nternally generated supply voltages or references have fallen below the m1mmum ac ceptable level In a redundant supply me configuration a fa1lure m the pnmary mput...

Page 43: from hne l to Ime 2 because of a problem the whole syst m Ill go do n hen the ATM 1s removed Before removmg the ATM hne 1 must be operational Addthonallv removal of the ATM takes the Bus Mon tor M...

Page 44: ...or 15 VDC 6 When the bus voltages are at acceptable levels start addmg process control modules NOTE A red status ght at th s po nt may nd cate an over oad cond ton or defect ve modu e f th s happens r...

Page 45: ...0 B ill Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 46: ...shootmg procedures They are not mtended to be all encompassing For step by step details refer to the support 1ve text followmg these charts Ftgure 5 1 Power Entry Panel IEPEP03 Troub eshootmg Flowchar...

Page 47: ...C M LE TAl J LEC PEC l I r lF LES EF NEFI LE L___ __ f AFE c rr f f _c D rf l foe fLTAGE LE Jtl l t H l l I r_ F1gure 5 2 Bus Momtor Pov er Supply Module Troubleshootmg Flowcharl INTRODUCTION 5 2 I E9...

Page 48: ...dJCators on the Power Supply Bus Momtor and or AC Transfer Modules to go red Addihonally customer alarm outputs are activated to mdtcate a low bus voltage or other power system problems Follow the ste...

Page 49: ...ce 8 If a AC Transfer Module LEDs are green look at the Bus Momtor Module s LEOs 9 If Bus Momtor Module Status LED IS red the module has fa1led and must be replaced If 1t IS green proceed 10 If the SY...

Page 50: ...rn green tf the external device was pullmg tne mput low Troubleshootmg IEPEP01 Systems Wtth IEPEPOl Systems only the AC power mput ts mom tared There are no bus voltage or other power system status md...

Page 51: ...Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 52: ...e performed at the spec1f1ed mtervals Table 6 I Mamtenance Schedule Task C P Jn a nrt t ghtPn a I power and groundmg connect ons Venfy a 6 fans are operat anal Use a stat c safe vacuum cleaner to remo...

Page 53: ...B i 1 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 54: 1 to ver fy that t s opera ona and w th n to erance 102to 132 VAC for 120 VAC nput 204 to 264 for 240 VAC nput I ne 1 s good you can remove the AC Transfer Modu e w thout os ng power to the cab ne...

Page 55: ...l and JUmpers jl J2 on the replacement to match the settmgs of the BMM you have JUSt removed 3 Grasp the replacement module by the faceplate 4 Ahgn the top and bottum dg uf tht LuCUlt board With the g...

Page 56: ...dule the rest of the way out Do not grab the module by the heat sink it may be hot support It by the bottom edge of the circuit board Pour eviter les chocs electriques attendre 5 secondes avant de tou...

Page 57: ...nnectors 5 Fmnly press the module handle wh1le usmg a flat blade screwdnver to push and tum the two concentnc screws one half tum clockw1se to lock the module m place 6 Venfy the Status LED tums green...

Page 58: used m idenhfymg the part When ordenng standard parts from Bailey Controls use part numbers and descnptions from respective Renewal Parts sections of apphcab e eqUipment manuals Parts whtch do not...

Page 59: ...Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 60: ...nce Fan I Device Swltch Poaitlon Jumper Poaltlon ATM S1 to the rear pns2and IBMM 81 0011 J1 J2 pns2 and 3 IEFAN01 PAS J1 posn1onA J2 poston B PAF J1 poston A 1 T I 2 pos1o A I ATM S1 to the front J1 p...

Page 61: ...Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 62: ...oidout 1 IEPEP03 System Cabmet W1rmg DJBgram E96 506 Foldout 1 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 63: ...Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 64: ...e B A tp v i H J n t i j_ 8 J1 0 I ri g l _ _ JP O J 0 Foldout 2 IEPEPOl System Cabmet Wmng D1agram I E96 506 Foldout 2 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www a...

Page 65: ...Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 66: ...23151104 110 07 _ Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com...

Page 67: ...over 50 countr es war dw de comacr Bailey Controls Company 29801 Euc d Avenue W 0 ff Oho 44092 US A 16 585 85011 1e e 9806 1 T efa 18 585 8 5 or 16 94 3 4609 Copyr ght 1989 by Ba ey Contro s Company A...

Page 68: ...service in house repair center WE BUY USED EQUIPMENT Sell your excess underutilized and idle used equipment We also offer credit for buy backs and trade ins www artisantg com WeBuyEquipment REMOTE IN...
