Installation Procedures
Installation/User Manual
Prior to installing any of the microinverters, verify that the
utility voltage at the point of common connection matches the voltage
rating on the microinverter label.
Do not place the inverters (including DC and AC
connectors) where they can be exposed to the sun, rain or snow. Allow a
minimum of 3/4’’(1.5 cm.) between the roof and the bottom of the
microinverter to allow proper air flow.
Step 3 - Connect themicroinverters in parallel
600w connect in parallel
1300w connect in parallel
Check the microinverter technical data page (p.18) for the maximum allowable
number of microinverters on each AC branch circuit.
Plug the male AC connector of the microinverter into the female
AC connector interface as follows.
Do NOT exceed maximum number of microinverters in an AC
branch circuit, as displayed on the page 7 of this manual.
Installation Procedures