Page 20
September 2012
PFM Portable Hydraulic Testers PFM6, PFM6BD, and PFM8
Burst Disc Procedure for PFM6BD
1 Position the PFM6BD to expose the internal burst disc body as shown in
Figure 8
2 Loosen the burst disc body from the flow meter block
3 Remove the burst disc body from the flow meter block
4 Remove the ruptured burst discs from the flow meter block and discard Retain the support ring
5 Clean out the burst disc port and the support ring Remove any debris from the sealing surfaces
6 Rotate the tester to face the burst disc port upwards and drop in a new burst disc Make sure it lies flat on the sealing surface en-
trance Drop in the support ring and follow it with the second burst disc Lubricate the O-ring on the burst disc housing and insert
it back into the block Tighten the burst disc housing down to form the disc against the sealing surfaces
7 Using a torque wrench, tighten the burst disc body in the block to 60 foot-pounds (81 4 Nm)
Caution - Do not over torque the burst disc housing. Applying too much torque will damage the burst disc and cause
the disc to rupture prematurely.
Burst Disc Body (1)
Burst Disc (2)
Support Ring (1)
Figure 8: PFM6BD Burst Discs