3. If your Bad Elf Flex Mini is turned on, you should see it appear in the list as something
like Bad Elf Flex Mini #XXXXXX (with its serial number).
4. Select your Bad Elf Flex Mini from the list, and tap the Pair button.
5. Within 5-10 seconds, you should see a prompt from windows showing pairing is
complete. Once this action is completed, the message “Ready to pair” will change to
At this point you have successfully paired your Bad Elf Flex Mini with your Windows computer.
Next, you will need to determine the COM port assigned by the operating system.
1. Click on the icon to the left of Bad Elf Flex Mini #XXXXXX
2. Click on “More Bluetooth Options”
3. A Bluetooth settings dialog will open
4. Click on the “COM Ports” tab
5. The COM port with your device serial number labeled as “Outgoing” is the COM port you
should use for your application.
Installing the Bad Elf Flex app
From your phone or tablet, visit
to download the correct Bad Elf Flex
companion app for your operating system. This app is used to check the health of your
hardware, perform firmware upgrades, change settings, and stream correction data to your Bad
Elf Flex Mini.
Using 3rd party apps
Any location-based app on iOS or Android can be used with the Bad Elf Flex Mini. You can visit
http://bad-elf.com/apps for a list of compatible apps that we’ve either tested or have been
recommended by other customers.
Copyright © 2023. Bad Elf, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.