alcohol you drink. Your liver eliminates the absorbed alcohol at its
own rate and nothing you eat or drink can speed up the process.
Your liver does this by oxidizing the alcohol (converting it into
water and carbon dioxide). Coffee, food or any other “cure” will
not sober you up. Only time will do that.
How does alcohol affect my body?
Alcohol is a depressant. It has a relaxing effect on the muscles
in your body. As the muscles of your eyes relax and lose focus,
your eyesight becomes fuzzy and you may experience double
vision. Brain activity is slowed. Your judgment, reflexes, and
coordination are all negatively affected.
Some vision impairment can occur when you have been drinking,
• Narrowing of your field of vision
• Reduction in your depth perception
• Decreased ability to see in darkness
• Increased sensitivity to glare
• Delay in adjusting to different light levels
Mental impairment can also occur when you have been
drinking, including:
• Reduced awareness of danger
• Becoming overly confident and reckless
• Difficulty in making decisions
• Reduction in balance
• Slowed reflexes
• Impaired judgment