It is critically important that you start with square and level footings, concrete pad or deck to
attach your structure
Pay close attention to the items needed for each step. Make sure you are using the correct hardware for each
step. Using incorrect hardware may result in improper assembly
Remember to double check for underground utilities and overhead electrical lines
Owner's Manual
Basic Setup Dimensions & Assembly Notes
Post mounts are provided with your structure which allows you to permanently install your structure to a
pre-existing or new wood or concrete surface.
The hardware to attach the post mounts to the structure is included.
The hardware to mount the structure permanently to a concrete surface
is included.
The hardware to mount the structure permanently to a wood deck is NOT included and will need to be purchased
You must ensure there is ample structural support under the deck before permanently attaching.
Metal Roof Assembly
Remove plastic covering from metal roof panels before installing each piece. Place roofing materials on a nonabrasive,
flat surface before and after assembly as it could bend, dent or scratch
Overall Dimensions