Important Assembly Notes
1) While assembling unit, take time before and after each step to make sure unit is level. If unit is
not level, assembly will be difficult and improper assembly may result. Extra care must be taken to
ensure the unit is square.
2) Pay close attention to the ITEMS NEEDED FOR EACH STEP. They can be a valuable aid when
sorting your wood and hardware. Assembly will be made easier if items are sorted by step.
3) Pay close attention to make sure you are using the correct hardware in the correct step. Using
incorrect hardware may result in improper assembly.
4) Whenever a T-nut is used, follow these directions. Place T-nut in pre-drilled hole. Tap in with hammer.
Place bolt with washers in the opposite side. Hand tighten to make sure the bolt is in the T-nut.
DO NOT over tighten.
5) The written notes may include important information not shown in the illustrations.
Basic Setup Dimensions
Place the unit on level ground. Check carefully for overhead lines and ensure there
is at least 6 ft [2 m] clearance to any overhead electrical wires.
[3658 mm]
[3658 mm]
[2692 mm]
7'- 1/2"
[2146 mm]
7'-5 13/16"
[2282 mm]
8'-4 1/16"
[2541 mm]
[3048 mm]
[1829 mm]
[1829 mm]
12'-5 15/16"
[3809 mm]
12'-5 15/16"
[3808 mm]