About Our Wood
Backyard Discovery uses 100% Cedar (C. Lanceolata) wood. Although we take great care in
selecting the best quality lumber available, wood is still a product of nature and susceptible to
weathering which can change the appearance of your set.
Your Backyard Discovery structure is designed and constructed of quality
materials. As with all outdoor products it will weather and wear. To maximize
the enjoyment, safety and life of your structure it is important that you properly
maintain it.
What causes weathering? Does it aff ect
the strength of my product?
One of the main reasons for weathering is the
eff ects of water (moisture); the moisture content
of the wood at the surface is diff erent than the
interior of the wood. As the climate changes,
moisture moves in or out of the wood, causing
tension which can result in checking and or
warping. You can expect the following due to
weathering. Th
ese changes will not aff ect the
strength of the product:
1. Checking
is surface cracks in the wood along the
grain. A post (4” x 4”) will experience more checking
than a board (1” x 4”) because the surface and
interior moisture content will vary more widely than
in thinner wood.
2. Warping
results from any distortion (twisting,
cupping) from the original plane of the board and
oft en happens from rapid wetting and drying of the
3. Fading
happens as a natural change in the wood
color as it is exposed to sun-light and will turn grey
over time.
How can I reduce the amount of
weathering to wood product?
Your wood product is coated with a water-
based stain. Sunlight will break down the coating,
so we recommend applying a water repellent or
stain on a yearly basis (see your local stain and
paint supplier for a recommended product). You
must apply some type of protection (sealant)
to the wood of your product.
Please note this
is a requirement of your warranty
weathering is just the normal result of nature
and will not aff ect safety. However if you are
concerned that a part has experienced a severe
weathering problem please call our customer
service department for further assistance.
Inspect wood parts monthly. Th
e grain of
the wood sometimes will lift in the dry season
causing splinters to appear. Light sanding may
be necessary to maintain a safe environment.
Treating your Product with protection (sealant)
aft er sanding will help prevent severe checking/
splitting and other weather damage.
Owner’s Manual
Instructions for Proper Maintenance