Instructions for the
14-Ton Two-Truck
Sound Module
Congratulations on the purchase of this SoundTraxx
Digital Sound Module from Bachmann. This module has been specifically designed for installation in your Spectrum
locomotive. When carefully installed, the module will provide all the pleasures of high quality, digital onboard sound and the benefits of today’s DCC (Digital Command Control) technology.
Please note that while each module is tested thoroughly before it is shipped, Bachmann cannot control the correctness of the installation.
It is imperative that you read and follow
the information and steps below for a successful installation.
Module Features
• 16+ Sound Effects
• 16-Bit Sound Processor
Steam Effects
• Steam Exhaust Chuff
• Bell
• Long Whistle
• Short Whistle
• Airpump
Track Voltage: 27 Volts Maximum
Before you install your sound module, there are some simple precautions you should take:
The electronics should be handled carefully in a static-free environment. To discharge static electricity,
touch a grounded water pipe or bare sheet metal surface before handling the module.
Work in a clean, well-lit area on a non-conductive surface. Stray metal scraps and dirt can get onto the circuitry and cause shorts.
Do not exceed the track output ratings for which the module is designed.
Do not install the module into a model that it was not designed for.
When operating in analog mode, be careful not to exceed the module’s input voltage rating of 27 volts.
When your track voltage exceeds 21 volts, the module will auto-
matically shut off the sound and motor and flash the front and rear lights: back down on the throttle immediately.
Your sound module will work best in analog mode when using a high quality, electronically regulated power pack, preferably one that supplies smooth, filtered DC power.
Older rheostat style power packs and pulse power packs will result in erratic and unreliable operation and should not be used with this sound module. If your power pack provides a pulse
power switch, leave it in the ‘Off’ position.
Depending on the quality of the power pack’s track voltage, some automatic sound functions such as the grade crossing whistle may require a lower sensitivity setting than needed for DCC
operation to avoid continual triggering of the sound effect.
Automatic Sound Configuration Register
CV 197 selects which automatic sound functions are enabled when the decoder is operating in analog or DC mode. This has been preset to have the Automatic Whistle Signals activated so
that whenever the locomotive is stopped or started, the sound module will produce the correct whistle signal appropriate for the direction of travel:
One Short Toot = Stop
Two Medium Toots = Forward
Three Short Toots = Reverse
There are four additional sound features that can be programmed for automatic operation using a DCC system:
1. Automatic Grade Crossing Signal - When enabled, the sound module will play a grade crossing signal (two long whistle blasts followed by a short and another long)
triggered by a sudden upward spike in the throttle.
2. Automatic Bell - With this feature activated, the sound module will turn the bell on and off at preset speed points such as might occur when passing through a yard or
station platform.
3. Automatic Steam Release - If turned on, this feature will cause a short steam release to sound whenever the locomotive is brought to a stop.
4. Automatic Brake Squeal - The brake squeal can be activated by slowing the train down by a predetermined amount.
Additional information about automatic sound functions can be found in the User’s Guide.
For service/repair, contact the Bachmann Service Department at 1-800-356-3910 or via e-mail at [email protected]. Bachmann's Service Department is available Monday
through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm ET. Please be aware you may need to leave a message on our voice mail system. Your call will be returned as soon as a service technician is available.
We thank you in advance for your patience.
Please Note: For some service issues regarding DCC sound modules, the Bachmann Service Department may forward your concern to SoundTraxx for resolution.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Neither Bachmann Industries, Inc. nor SoundTraxx (Throttle Up!) shall be liable for
technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or
consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This document contains information protected by copyright. No part of this document may
be photocopied or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Bachmann
Industries, Inc.
Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.
Bachmann and Spectrum are registered trademarks of Bachmann Industries, Inc.
SoundTraxx and Tsunami are registered trademarks of Throttle Up! Corp.
SoundTraxx DCC, Digital Sound Decoder, Dynamic Digital Exhaust, Auto-Exhaust and
Hyperlight are trademarks of Throttle Up! Corp.
• Snifter Valve
• Cylinder Cocks
• Johnson Bar/Power Reverser
• Firebox Blower
• Cylinder Blowdown (Hiss)
• Coupler Clank
• 7-Band Equalizer
• Reverb
• 3 Selectable Whistles Built in
• 14 Functions
• Dynamo
• Water Stop
• Brake Squeal
• Brake Release
• Side Rod Clank
Printed in U.S.A.