approach the vehicle or equipment, the
gas concentration will increase, causing
an alarm condition. Each time an alarm
occurs, readjust the Manual Balance
control. Continue this process until the
leak is located. Blowing out the test site
with shop air may enable you to locate
the leak more quickly.
After the large leak is located and
repaired, blow out the area again with shop
air, set the unit on the small leak sensitivity
and double check equipment for small leaks.
Operating Instructions
1. Slide mode switch to AUTO position.
2. Slide power switch to ON position and
sensitivity switch to SMALL position.
3. Check Low Battery LED. If it glows
red, the battery needs charging, or you
may operate the unit from a 12VDC
source, or with optional AC Adapter of
the correct voltage and current.
4. Check for sufficient airflow by point-
ing the probe tip toward the floor and
observing the red airflow ball in the
probe tip. It should be floating inside
the probe tip.
5. Allow two minutes for the sensor to
warm up. After which the flashing
probe light and sound indicator will
idle at 2-3 clicks per second.
6. Test operation by quickly touching
the top of the calibration reference
bottle (make sure sticky label is
removed). The unit should respond
with a rapid flash rate and sound
verifying correct operation and
optimum sensitivity for detecting all
refrigerant leaks. During product life,
if unit does not respond correctly, see
“Heater Adjustment” section.