Detailed Component
Fan Shaft Bearings
Inspection & Maintenance
Heat Transfer System
Fill & Drift Eliminator
Water Distribution System
Hot Water Basin
Operating Level
Inspection and Maintenance
Piping Arrangement
Water Level Control
Operating Level
At design flow, the operating level should not be less than 2 inches or greater than 6
inches deep.
Inspection and Maintenance
• Quarterly, or more often as required, remove any dirt or debris which may clog the
nozzles. Seasonally, clean and flush the hot water basin with fresh water.
• Access to the nozzles requires removal of the hot water basin covers.
To remove the covers turn the knobs to remove the threaded studs (
Figure 6
). Then,
lift the hot water basin covers vertically by using the attached handles. Once the hot
water basin covers are removed, the nozzles may be cleaned.
• If access to the nozzles under the pre-distribution chamber is required, remove
the hardware that fastens the tabbed baffles, then remove the panels. Retain the
hardware to re-install the tabbed baffles.
Piping Arrangement
The Series 3000 Cooling Tower has an optional EASY CONNECT
Piping Arrangement,
which is equipped with a capped cleanout connection. The water to be cooled enters the
tower through a single connection and passes through the EASY CONNECT
supplying water to both hot water basins. See
Figure 7, page 30
Water Level Control
There are two types of water level controls used on Series 3000 Cooling Towers:
• Mechanical make-up valve assembly
• Optional electric water level control package
The Series 3000 water make-up valve assembly is located at the connection end of the
: Do not use steam or
high pressure water to clean PVC
eliminators or materials other than
Figure 6.
Hot Water Basin Cover Removal