What impact does the growth cycle of the hair have on photo-epilation?
Every hair on our body has three growth phases: the anagen,
catagen and telogen phases. These three phases play an
important role in the process of photo-epilation.
The anagen phase is the growth phase of the hair, while the
catagen and telogen phases are both resting phases. The
time the hair takes to go through its growth cycle varies
completely from one person to the next and from one part of
the body to the next. We can, however, establish an average
of between 12 and 24 months. Most hair follicles are found at
any one time in one of the two resting phases.
Consequently, your appliance will have no effect when they are in these resting phases.
Nonetheless, it will affect the hair that is in anagen phase. It is therefore important to
understand the duration of a full hair growth cycle to obtain lasting results with your
Homelight Connected.
Optimising the results by planning your treatment sessions
A full hair growth cycle takes on average from 12 to 24 months during which many sessions
with your Homelight Connected will be necessary to obtain long-lasting results. The
efficiency of the appliance will vary from one person to the next and will depend on the
area being treated, the colour of the hair and the way in which the appliance is used.
12 to 24
Growth phase of the hair
Transition phase
Resting/dormant phase