• Open hood fully, and align
with plastic fastener, clamping
to attach to the stroller frame.
• using webbed strap, snap
hood in place.
stowing hood
Pull plastic fastener away
from the frame to release.
unsnap, roll the hood, and wrap
with webbed strap to stow.
• Place the cover over the front
of the stroller, lining up “button
holes” to the four “buttons” on
the stroller frame.
• Push the four buttons into the
small holes to fit the cover
snugly to the frame.
10. attaChing hOOd
11. attaChing rain COver
Before you close the stroller –
empty the shopping bag or you
could damage your stroller,
damage anything you’ve stored in
the bag.
• With shortest edge of the bag
facing the front of the stroller,
place the bag on the “X” frame
beneath the seat.
• Attach front straps to front
stroller legs just below the seat.
• Attach rear straps to rear legs,
just above horizontal tie bar.
• detach carry straps from
the handlebars by unfastening
the Velcro.
• locate the clip toward the
base lever (where you locked
the stroller open). Pull down
on the plastic part of the clip,
and unhinge it from the
metal clasp.
8. attaChing shOPPing Bag
9. reMOving CarrY straP
Be careful not to overload
the shopping bag as it may create
a hazard— it holds a maximum of
4.4 lbs., evenly distributed.