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 Copyright © 2013, Baby Trend Inc., All Rights Reserved.

 Copyright © 2013, Baby Trend Inc., All Rights Reserved. 



PlACING ChIld IN The WAlkeR 

  Always check the walker prior to each use to ensure that the seat is 

snapped in place and that the walker has no loose or broken parts.  Do 

not use the walker if it is damaged or broken or missing parts.

  Before placing your child in the walker, please determine that your 

child is developmentally ready for this type of product.  generally, your 

child must be able to sit upright unassisted and have adequate neck 

strength to exhibit very good control of his or her head.  Typically, a 

child should be at least 6 months of age to use this product.  Infants 

develop at different rates and you should discuss the use of a 

walker with your pediatrician to ensure that your infant is ready.

  Adjust the seat height of the walker to the lowest setting.  Place your 

child in the walker and check that both feet touch the floor.  The child 

should have only part of their weight on their feet when their legs are 

straight.  Adjust the walker height as needed as your child grows. Do 

not adjust height with child in the walker. Discontinue using the walker 

if your child attempts to climb out, reaches 30 pounds in weight or 32 

inches in height, or when your child is able to walk unassisted.

  The baby walker can be used for 3 different heights.  To adjust height, 

remove baby from walker. Turn the safety button lengthwise and press the 

safety button until the mechanism is released. Adjust to desired height.



 TO ReduCe ChANCe Of ChIld SlIPPING 

OuT Of The SeAT, CheCk ThAT BOTh feeT Of The ChIld 

TOuCh The flOOR. NeVeR CARRy WAlkeR WITh The 

ChIld IN IT, AS The ChIld mAy GeT huRT OR SlIP OuT.  


When the position has been selected, check that the safety button 

turned through 90 degrees to prevent the accidental release of 

the mechanism. Always follow this procedure. never use the baby 

walker if the button is not in the sideways position. Important: 

never change the height when the baby is in the walker. 

Thread the end of the support strap through 

the loop on the seat bottom and then through 

the slot at the end of the height adjustment 

bracket found under the tray. (fig. 8)


next thread the support strap through 

the opening in the rectangular 

ring and pull snug. (fig. 9)

  To attach the toy bar, clip the hooks on 

both sides of the toy bar to the walker 

tray. (fig. 10) Do not use the toy bar 

if it has been damaged or broken.

TO fOld WAlkeR 

  To fold the walker, turn the button to unlock 

and push it to release. Then push the tray 

downward to the lowest position. (fig. 11)



fig. 8

Clip On


COmPleTed WAlkeR






fig. 9

fig. 10

fig. 11



