• Important, keep this booklet for future reference.
• Accessories which are not approved by the manufacturer or distributor
should not be used.
Prevent serious injury to your child by always using the
safety harness.
Any load attached to the handle affects the stability of the jogger.
It may be dangerous to leave child unattended.
• Always use your wrist strap – these joggers can really roll, and the
wrist strap gives you control if you should slip or fall down.
• The passenger should remain seated (no standing in the jogger).
• Watch out for cars – never assume that a driver can see you and your child.
• Never use Roller Blades while using a Baby Jogger Jogger.
• Total weight load recommended for this Jogger is 75 lbs.
(combined passenger and baggage weight.)
• This Jogger seats one passenger.
Recommended weight for seat pocket is 2 pounds and basket
is 10 pounds. Excessive weight may cause a hazardous unstable
condition to exist.
• It may be unsafe to use replacement parts other than those supplied or
approved by the manufacturer.
For the sake of your precious cargo, please read
these warnings before using your Baby Jogger.