6. Hygiene and maintenance
Follow your country-specific directives, standards and guidelines for cleaning, disinfection
and sterilization.
> The contra-angle handpiece can undergo manual or machine reprocessing.
> Wear protective clothing.
> Remove the contra-angle handpiece from the motor.
> Take out the rotary instrument.
> Clean and disinfect the contra-angle handpiece
immediately after each treatment
, to rinse out any liquid
(e.g., blood, saliva, etc.) that may have entered and to prevent the inside parts from seizing.
> After manual cleaning, disinfection and lubrication, you must carry out a thermal disinfection
(unwrapped) or sterilization (wrapped) in a class B or S steam sterilizer (as per EN 13060).
> Sterilize the contra-angle handpiece after manual or machine cleaning, disinfection and lubrication.