AWD154B User Manual
You may need to refer to your router’s manual if you have forgotten your
security passphrase. Most router’s manual are available for download
online. Just type your router’s model number followed by “manual
download” into google.
In some cases, resetting you router with your router’s reset button and
creating a new network SSID and passphrase will allow you to suddenly
connect to your network.
4. I can’t find any wireless access point/wireless device in Network page
Click Rescan or Refresh for few more times and see if you can find any
wireless access point or wireless device.
Please move closer to any known wireless access point (router).
Ensure your router is installed properly and not disabled by checking device
manager and disabling your Internet Security software.
If possible, please relocate your router to a more central location in your
home or office and place it on the same floor as your wireless devices you
wish to connect.
5. Nothing happens when I click Ralink config utility
Please make sure AWD154B is properly inserted into your computer’s PCI
port. If the Ralink configuration utility’s icon is black, AWD154B is not
detected by your computer.
Reboot the computer and try again.
Remove AWD154B and insert it into another PCI port.
Uninstall the driver from Control Panel and re-install using the latest driver
from our website.
6. I can not establish connection with a certain wireless access point
Remove prior wireless profiles, from Advanced Wireless Settings
If the SSID of access point you wish to connect is hidden (nothing displayed
in SSID field in Network tab), you have to input correct SSID of the access
point you wish to connect.
You have to input correct passphrase / security key to connect an access
point with encryption.
The access point you wish to connect may only allow network cards with
specific MAC address to establish connection. Please go to About tab and
write the value of Phy_Addess down, then present this value to the owner of
access point to add the MAC address of your AWD154B to owner’s access
point’s list.
7. The network is slow / having problem when transferring large files
Move closer to the place where access point is located.
Choose a Wireless Protection with less overhead like WPA2 PSK + AES
There could be too much people using the same radio channel. Inside the
access point setting page,, change the channel to a different number.
Your internet service may be of the slower type, call your provider to see if
you they can raise your speeds.