axxent e.K. • Technologiezentrum Herzbachtal • Zum Wartturm 15 • 63571 Gelnhausen
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user manual
models AX-1121TS / AX1240TS / AX 1400TS
front panel controls
All control elements and connectors of the three models
AX1121TS, AX1240TS and AX1400TS are identical. What
you see on the front panel is solely the gain control or
commonly “volume control”.
Three LED’s indicate “power on”, signal presence and
peak level. The red peak level led indicates the maximum
tolerable audio input level.
For safety reasons you may remove the knob and insert
the blind cover instead.
Intentionally we have kept the number of control elements
on the front side to an absolute minimum in order to avoid
faulty operations and to maintain a straight forward design
for ease of use.