Within its clear, intuitive interface Cerebrum provides you with the
tools to configure your workflow with speed and ease. Each device
is represented by one, or more, graphical dialogue interfaces, which
are shown automatically in the Control view when the device is
selected. These provide a clear idea of the function and signal flow
within the module, and make clear what effect the setting has on the
signal path. Visualisations for some devices, such as Synapse
Aspect Ratio Converters, are given for the output display. If you
need further clarification of function a view to the manual for the
selected card is always available.
You can save the configuration of a device as a template file, or to
the clipboard, and quickly copy it to other selected devices in the
workflow. Using Cerebrum’s Compare function, the settings and
status of a device of the same type can be compared, with any
differences highlighted. To ease some aspects of configuration, and
to make monitoring of the system more applicable to each user’s
particular application, additional data can be added about the
location, channel and/or service the device is providing. There is
also a free-form notes field for all other critical information.
workflow & events
Cerebrum provides a multitude of ways to let you accurately track
events within your workflows. Each device in your workflow is
shown in the System view, and displays its current and historical
status using an icon. Cerebrum actively monitors each device to
check for its current status. The status of each device is passed to a
parent node within the System view and a hierarchical status of your
complete workflow is shown using a single icon. This is also
reflected in the application’s optional Status Bar, and in the System
Icon Tray, when the application is either obscured or minimised.
The System view can be alphanumerically sorted by the network
address, user name, card type or one of the user defined data items
such as Channel, Service, Room or Bay.
Each event occurring for a device being monitored (Synapse,
SNMP or Router) is logged to the database and shown in the Event
Log. A status priority can be assigned to each event to determine
whether an alarm or warning action should be triggered. Each state
of a device’s status can be configured by the system administrator to
reflect the severity of the event, plus the method by which the
warning or error should be cleared (either manually or automatically
on a good event state) allowing the status to really reflect the
condition of a users system.
The Event Log window can be filtered using different criteria.
Additional user data can be stored with each event, such
as the cause/reason for the related warning or error.
Cerebrum allows limits to be set for the size of the Alarm Log table
in the SQL database allowing the user to keep historical records for
the activity of the system.