AXIS FA54 Main Unit
The device interface
Exposure mode
: Select an exposure mode to reduce rapidly changing irregular effects in the image, for example flicker produced
by different types of light sources. We recommend you to use the automatic exposure mode, or the same frequency as your
power network.
: The camera adjusts the aperture, gain and shutter automatically.
Automatic aperture
: The camera adjusts the aperture and gain automatically. The shutter is fixed.
Automatic shutter
: The camera adjusts the shutter and gain automatically. The aperture is fixed.
Hold current
: Locks the current exposure settings.
: The camera adjusts the aperture and gain automatically, and uses only the following shutter
speeds: 1/50 s (50 Hz) and 1/60 s (60 Hz).
Flicker-free 50 Hz
: The camera adjusts the aperture and gain automatically, and uses the shutter speed 1/50 s.
Flicker-free 60 Hz
: The camera adjusts the aperture and gain automatically, and uses the shutter speed 1/60 s.
: This is the same as flicker-free, but the camera might use shutter speeds faster than
1/100 s (50 Hz) and 1/120 s (60 Hz) for brighter scenes.
Flicker-reduced 50 Hz
: This is the same as flicker-free, but the camera might use shutter speeds faster
than 1/100 s for brighter scenes.
Flicker-reduced 60 Hz
: This is the same as flicker-free, but the camera might use shutter speeds faster
than 1/120 s for brighter scenes.
: The aperture, gain and shutter are fixed.
Exposure zone
: The exposure zone tells the camera to prioritize image quality in the most important part of the scene. Select the
part of the scene of greatest interest to calculate the automatic exposure levels, for example the area in front of an entrance door.
The exposure zones are related to the original image (un-rotated), and the names of the zones apply to the original image.
This means, for example, that if the video stream is rotated 90°, then the
zone becomes the
zone in the
stream, and
: Suitable for most situations.
: Uses a fixed area in the center of the image to calculate the exposure. The area has a fixed size and
position in the live view.
: Uses the entire live view to calculate the exposure.
: Uses an area with a fixed size and position in the upper part of the image to calculate the exposure.
: Uses an area with a fixed size and position in the lower part of the image to calculate the exposure.
: Uses an area with a fixed size and position in the left part of the image to calculate the exposure.
: Uses an area with a fixed size and position in the right part of the image to calculate the exposure.
: Uses an area with a fixed size and position in the live view to calculate the exposure.
: Uses an area in the live view to calculate the exposure. You can adjust the size and position of the area.
Max shutter
: Select the shutter speed to provide the best image. Low shutter speeds (longer exposure) might cause motion blur
when there is movement, and a too high shutter speed might affect the image quality. Max shutter works with max gain to
improve the image.
Max gain
: Select the suitable max gain. If you increase the max gain, it improves the visible level of detail in dark images, but
also increases the noise level. More noise can also result in increased use of bandwidth and storage. If you set the max gain
to a high value, images can differ a lot if the light conditions are very different from day to night. Max gain works with max
shutter to improve the image.