AXIS C8033 Network Audio Bridge
The device interface
types. RSA is the preferred method during negotiation, followed by ECDSA, ED25519, and DSA. Make sure to
enter the right MD5 host key that is used by your SFTP server.
Use temporary file name
: Select to upload files with temporary, automatically generated filenames. The
files get renamed to the desired names when the upload completes. If the upload is aborted/interrupted,
you don’t get any corrupt files. However, you probably still get the temporary files. This way you know that
all files that have the desired name, are correct.
Send email to
: Enter the email address to send emails to. To enter multiple addresses, use commas to
separate them.
Send email from
: Enter the email address of the sending server.
: Enter the username for the mail server. Leave this field empty if the mail server does not
require authentication.
: Enter the password for the mail server. Leave this field empty if the mail server does not require
Email server (SMTP)
: Enter the name of the SMTP server, for example smtp.gmail.com, smtp.mail.yahoo.com.
: Enter the port number for the SMTP server, using values in the range 0-65535. The default value is 587.
: To use encryption, select either SSL or TLS.
Validate server certificate
: If you use encryption, select to validate the identity of the device. The certificate
can be self-signed or issued by a Certificate Authority (CA).
POP authentication
: Turn on to enter the name of the POP server, for example pop.gmail.com.
Some email providers have security filters that prevent users from receiving or viewing large amount of
attachments, from receiving scheduled emails and similar. Check the email provider's security policy to avoid
your email account being locked or missing out on your expected emails.
: Enter the server's IP address or hostname. If you enter a hostname, make sure that a DNS server is
specified under
System > Network > IPv4 and IPv6
: Enter the port number used to access the server.
: Click to test the setup.
The context menu contains:
View recipient
: Click to view all the recipient details.
Copy recipient
: Click to copy a recipient. When you copy, you can make changes to the new recipient.
Delete recipient
: Click to delete the recipient permanently.
Schedules and pulses can be used as conditions in rules. The list shows all the schedules and pulses currently configured in the
product, along with information about their configuration.
Add schedule
: Click to create a schedule or pulse.
Manual trigger
The manual trigger is used to manually trigger a rule. The manual trigger can for example be used to validate actions during
product installation and configuration.