EN - 11
4. Place the unit in front of the dashboard
opening so the wiring can be brought
through the mounting sleeve. Follow the
wiring diagram carefully and make certain
all connections are secure and insulated
is corrected.
6. Secure the rear of the unit to the car body
using the mounting bolt and rubber cushion.
7. T e s t t h e u n i t u s i n g th e “ O p e r a t i o n ”
instructions that follow.
Kit Installation
I f y o u r v e h i c l e r e q u i r e s t h e u s e o f a n
installation kit to mount this unit, follow the
instructions included with the installation kit to
attach the unit to the mounting plate supplied
1. Wire and test the unit as outlined in the
Mounting Sleeve Installation instructions.
2. Install the radio/mounting plate assembly
Installation Guide
to the sub-dashboard according to the
instructions in the installation kit.
Replace the dashboard trim panel.
ISO Installation
This unit has threaded holes in the chassis
side panels which may be used with the
original factory mounting brackets of some
vehicles to mount the radio to the dashboard.
Please consult with your local car stereo shop
for assistance on this type of installation.
Remove the existing factory radio from the
dashboard or centr
console mounting.
Save all hardware and brackets as they will
be used to mount the new radio.
Carefully unsnap the plastic frame from the
front of the new unit chassis. Remove and
discard the frame.
Remove the factory mounting brackets
and hardware from the existing unit and
attach them to the new unit. Do not exceed
M5 x 9mm maximum screw size. Longer
screws may damage components inside the
W i r e t h e n e w u n i t a s o u t l i n e d i n t h e
Mounting Sleeve Installation instructions.
M o u n t t h e n e w u n i t a s s e m b l y t o t h e
dashboard or cent
console using the
reverse procedure of step 1.