Copying photos to your frame
To copy photos from a memory card to your frame, locate the photo, press the “Play/
Pause/Mode” button once to pause, and press UP/COPY/ DElETE. It will ask if you
would like to copy the photo. Select YES, and press PlAY/MODE. The frame will then
copy up to 15 photos to the frame’s internal memory.
note: You can rotate photos clockwise by pressing Rotate while the photo is on the
screen. Rotated photos are will be stored in their rotated position.
Deleting photos
Make sure there aren’t any memory cards or USB drives plugged into the frame. To
delete a photo from your frame’s memory, locate the photo and press UP/COPY/DElETE.
Select YES when asked if you want to delete the photo and press PlAY/PAUSE/MODE.
The photo will then be deleted from the frame’s memory
note: the delete function of the frame will only delete photos saved in the frame’s
memory, not from a memory card.
CopY/Delete piCtURe