UMAX180800, 20 Thermocouple, 2 RTD, 4 Inputs, 6 Relays Dual CAN Controller
Version 1
Page: 5-71
The following user manual describes architecture, functionality, configuration parameters and
flashing instructions for the 20 Thermocouple, 2 RTD, 4 Inputs, 6 Relays Dual CAN Controller
with SAE J1939 CAN and Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet communication links. It also contains
controller technical specifications and installation instructions to help users build a custom
solution on the base of this controller.
The user should check whether the application firmware installed in the controller is covered by
this user manual. It can be done through CAN bus using Axiomatic Electronic Assistant
software or using Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP link.
The user manual is valid for application firmware with the same major version number as the
user manual. For example, this user manual is valid for any converter application firmware
V1.xx. Updates specific to the user manual are done by adding letters
: A, B, …, Z to the user
manual version number.
It is assumed, that the user is familiar with Modbus and J1939 CAN groups of standards. The
terminology from these standards is widely used in this manual.