UMAX141100 Version 1.0.6.
Preliminary Documentation – May be subject to change
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running, and the ECU will be identified as such by EA. Otherwise, the next time the ECU is power-
cycled, the AX141100 application will run rather than the bootloader function.
Note, if the settings define the AX141100 to be configured to operate in Brigde Mode, the device
will disappear from EA upon reset.
Note: If at any time during the upload the process is interrupted, the data is corrupted
(bad checksum) or for any other reason the new firmware is not correct, i.e. bootloader
detects that the file loaded was not designed to run on the hardware platform, the bad or
corrupted application will not run. Rather, when the ECU is reset or power-cycled the
J1939 Bootloader
will continue to be the default application until valid firmware has been
successfully uploaded into the unit.