![Axiom SW121HLA User Manual Download Page 4](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/axiom/sw121hla/sw121hla_user-manual_3037022004.webp)
The �A4000 mod�le employed �or po�ering the �W121HLA in�l�de� a
�ni�er�al reg�lated ��it�h mode po�er ��pply �ith PFC (Po�er Fa�tor
Corre���on) that deli�er� in an �ltra-�ompa�t pa�kage a maxim�m
po�er o� 4000W in any �ondi��on o� main� ��pply �arian�e.
The inno�a���e te�hnology ��ed �or thi� amplifier (in�l�ding al�o the
��e o� a �aria�le ��it�hing �req�en�y) offer� per�orman�e� at the
top o� the range, ���h a� a ��perior �o�nd defini��on at any a�dio
�req�en�y, �ery high dynami�� al�o �or lo� le�el �ignal� and �ery lo�
di�tor��on e�en at the maxim�m po�er. The ��perior �o�nd q�ality
�an �e �ompared �ith top-o�-the-range AB-�la�� analog �y�tem�,
�hile the �A mod�le� �eat�re a higher dynami��, �ery �ompa�t �ize
and light �eight and effi�ien�y a�o�e 90%.
The �y�tem pro�e��ing i� �a�ed on the CORE ��P platform, �hi�h ha�
�een de�igned �y the PROEL R&� La�oratorie� ��ing one o� the mo�t
ad�an�ed �HARC ��P �or a�dio appli�a��on. It �eat�re� 40�it, 96kHz
floa��ng point re�ol���on and high q�ality 24�it A�/�A �on�erter�,
�or a per�e�t �ignal integrity, a dynami� range in ex�e�� o� 110dB and a ��perior �oni� per�orman�e. Thank� to it� ma��i�e pro�e��ing po�er, the
CORE platform i� �apa�le o� pro�iding the mo�t �ophi����ated algorithm� �or �peaker pro�e��ing, together �ith remote �ontrol and net�orking
The PRONET �ontrol �oft�are, �orking on a �olid and relia�le CANBU� �a�ed net�ork proto�ol, pro�ide� an int�i���e inter�a�e �or the remote
�ontrol o� the �hole �y�tem, �ith the po��i�ility o� eqing, delaying, in�rea�ing the prote���on� and monitoring the �tat�� o� the amplifier.
PRONET �oft�are ha� �een de�eloped in �olla�ora��on �ith �o�nd engineer� and �o�nd de�igner�, in order to offer an “ea�y-to-��e” tool to �et�p
and manage yo�r a�dio �y�tem. With PRONET yo� �an �i��alize �ignal le�el�, monitor internal �tat�� and edit all the parameter� o� ea�h �onne�ted
Download the PRONET app from the AXIOM website at http://www.axiomproaudio.com/ clicking on downloads section of the product.
The �W121HLA lo�d�peaker de�i�e� �an �e �onne�ted ��ing the net�ork �onne���on, in thi� �a�e the PROEL U�B2CAN �on�erter op��onal a��e��ory
i� needed. The fir�t ��me yo� �onne�t a de�i�e �ith the U�B2CAN �on�erter, Windo�� O.�. �ill a�k yo� to in�tall the dri�er file�, �hi�h yo� �an
find in the �ri�er �older �ithin the Pronet appli�a��on �older (�y de�a�lt i� C:\Program File�\Proel\Pronet\�ri�er, or i� yo� �hanged it <yo�r path>\
�ri�er). Plea�e re�er al�o to “In�talla��on” and “�ri�er�” paragraph� in the Pronet do��menta��on.
The PRONET NETWORK i� �a�ed on a ro���t, relia�le and �a�t �omm�ni�a��on proto�ol �alled CANBU�. The de�i�e� in a PRONET NETWORK are
�onne�ted together �ith a “linear ��� topology”. The U�B2CAN �on�erter m��t �e �onne�ted to the net�ork inp�t o� the fir�t de�i�e, the net�ork
o�tp�t o� the fir�t de�i�e i� �onne�ted to the inp�t o� the �e�ond and �o on. For the net�ork �onne���on� �imple RJ45 �at.5 or �at.6 ethernet
�a�le� �an �e ��ed (plea�e don’t �on���e a ethernet net�ork �ith a PRONET net�ork the�e are �ompletely different and m��t �e ��lly �eparated
al�o �oth ��e the �ame kind o� �a�le).
The �eginning and the end o� a PRONET NETWORK m��t �e terminated. One �ide i� terminated �y the U�B2CAN �on�erter, the other �ide m��t
�e terminated pre��ing the TER�INATE ��it�h on the la�t de�i�e. All de�i�e� �et�een the�e t�o point� m��t ha�e the TER�INATE ��it�h lifted.
Assign the ID number
To �ork properly in a PRONET net�ork ea�h �onne�ted de�i�e m��t ha�e a �niq�e iden��fier n�m�er, �alled I�. By de�a�lt the U�B2CAN PC
�ontroller ha� I�=0 and there �an �e only one PC �ontroller. E�ery other de�i�e �onne�ted m��t ha�e it� o�n �niq�e I� eq�al or greater than 1:
in the net�ork �annot exi�t t�o de�i�e� �ith the �ame I�.
An I� n�m�er i� a��igned a�toma���ally to ea�h de�i�e� �hen they are t�rned on �or the fir�t ��me �onne�ted to a net�ork.
In order to �orre�tly a��ign a ne� a�aila�le I� to ea�h de�i�e �or �orking properly in a Pronet net�ork, �ollo� the�e in�tr����on�:
��it�h off all the de�i�e�.
Conne�t them �orre�tly to the net�ork �a�le�.
“TER�INATE” the late�t de�i�e in the net�ork �onne���on.
��it�h on the fir�t de�i�e keep pre��ed “PRE�ET” ��tton on the �ontrol panel.
Lea�ing the pre�io�� de�i�e ��it�hed on, repeat the pre�io�� opera��on on the next de�i�e, �n��l the late�t de�i�e i� t�rned on.
The “A��ign I�” pro�ed�re �or a de�i�e make� the internal net�ork �ontroller to per�orm t�o opera��on�: re�et the ��rrent I�; �ear�h the fir�t �ree
I� in the net�ork, �tar��ng �rom I�=1. I� no other de�i�e� are �onne�ted (and po�ered on), the �ontroller a���me I�=1, that i� the fir�t �ree I�,
other�i�e it �ear�he� the next one left �ree.
The�e opera��on� en��re that e�ery de�i�e ha� it’� o�n �niq�e I�, i� yo� need to add a ne� de�i�e to the net�ork yo� �imply repeat the opera��on
o� �tep 4. E�ery de�i�e maintain� it� I� al�o �hen it i� t�rned-off, �e�a��e the iden��fier i� �tored in the internal memory and it i� �leared only �y
another “A��ign I�” �tep, a� explained a�o�e.
Thi� mean� that i� yo�r net�ork i� made al�ay� o� the �ame de�i�e� the a��igning I� pro�ed�re m��t �e exe��ted only the fir�t ��me the �y�tem
i� t�rned on.
For more detailed instruction about PRONET see the PRONET USER’S MANUAL included with the software.