Axiom DEMO9S08LL16 Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

D E M O 9 S 0 8 L L 1 6

D O C - 0 4 2 8 - 0 2 0

Q U I C K   S T A R T   G U I D E

R E V   1 . 1   0 9 / 2 0 0 8


3.  Follow the on-screen instructions to install the necessary USB drivers.
4.  After the USB drivers are properly installed, the USB, VDD, and LED1 – LED8 will be ON.
5.  A scrolling marquee showing the board name will display on the LCD followed by a timer in HH:MM:SS format
6.  Press SW2 to start the ACCEL demo.  Follow prompts on the LCD to execute the ACCEL Demo.


If the target BDM fails to connect:

1.  Ensure option jumpers are in default position and securely seated, refer to Figure 1 above

2.  Ensure the correct version of CodeWarrior is installed with all available updates

3.  Ensure the USB cable is securely connected to both the host PC and the target board

If the Accel Demo fail to execute properly

1.  Remove and replace the VDD_EN jumper then try again

2.  Apply power to the PWR jack

If the above Troubleshooting tips fail to correct the problem, please contact Freescale Semiconductors for further
assistance.  Refer to the included in the kit for contact information.  Assistance may also be found by contacting
Axiom Manufacturing directly at 

[email protected]

