Axiom DEMO9S08LL16 Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

D E M O 9 S 0 8 L L 1 6

D O C - 0 4 2 8 - 0 2 0

Q U I C K   S T A R T   G U I D E

R E V   1 . 1   0 9 / 2 0 0 8



[email protected]


Introduction and Default Settings

This quick start guide will show how to connect the target board to a host PC, install the correct version of Code-
Warrior Development Studio, and execute a simple demonstration program loaded in FLASH memory.  The de-
fault jumper settings for the DEMO9S08SE8 are shown below

Figure 1: DEMO9S08LL16 Default Settings

Install CodeWarrior Development Studio for or Microcontrollers, Special Edition

The DEMO9S08LL16 board ships with CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers, a complete Inte-
grated Development Environment (IDE) that provides a highly visual and automated framework to accelerate the
development of the most complex embedded applications.  To install the IDE, refer to the “CodeWarrior Devel-
opment Studio” DVD case and follow the steps in the included Quick Start Guide.

CodeWarrior Development Studios for Microcontrollers


must be properly installed before attempting to connect

the target board to the host PC.  Otherwise, the necessary USB drivers will not be available and the host PC will
not recognize the board.

Run the demo program

The DEMO9S08LL16 ships with an LCD demonstration program loaded into on-chip FLASH memory.  The demo
application illuminates all LCD elements and displays a scrolling marquee with the board name.  The demo appli-
cation then displays a timer with HH:MM:SS format.  The timer will count as long as power is applied.

1.  Verify the configuration jumpers are set to the default position.   Refer to Figure 1 above.
2.  Connect the included USB cable to an open USB port on the host PC and to the USB connector on the target


