AXEM Technology
11 rue Auguste Perret, 94042 Créteil, FRANCE
– [email protected] – +33 (0)1 41 94 11 85 – www.axemtec.com
Siret : 45071140300045 - APE : 4652Z - RCS : CRETEIL 450711403 - N° TVA intracom : FR05450711403 - Capital : 500
000,00 €
File : AT-12 user guide
Version : V1.0
10) Privacy ----- privacy can be settings, including general, location, camera, microphone,
notifications, speech, inking & typing, account info, contacts, calendar, call history, app diagnostics.
11) Update & security----- Windows update, windows defender, backup systems, troubleshooting,
recovery systems, activation, find my devices, for developers, Windows insider program.
Quick start and setup
Open show touch keyboard button----- more touch on the taskbar or mouse with right key to choose
System activation: the device cannot be activated during networking, please refer to the below
picture, and then try to activate again after synchronizing the time zone.