Installationplan of the Easy RFID
No time for manuals?
We know, but it will take only 2 minutes of your time to read this manual, and then about 20
– 30 minutes for the installation. Promise! :-)
The Easy RFID consume (unlike other available solutions...) no significant power in standby mode. It´s only active
when you press the button. The
antenna module
is separated from the
control module
. The antenna can be
installed visible or behind any plastic parts but not behind metal.
The Connections are as follow:
Ground (black):
This cable is connected to the frame or the minus pole of the battery.
12V input (red):
Connect the 12 V from the Battery to the EASY RFID via the red cable. You can use the wire,
formally used as the connection from the battery to the ignition lock. We recommend to wire a 20 A Fuse into the
line from the battery. The internal load switches turn off after a few seconds if currents above 30 Amperes are
present but they get up to 150°C warm in case of a short circuit what lead to gaps in the casting compound and
your control module is no more water proofed.
Ignition Output (1.violet cable, Ignition):
This cable supplies the bike with the necessary power for ignition / lights
/ turn lights and the horn. The output can switch 20 Ampere.
Starter Relay output (2.violet cable, Start):
This cable is connected to the starter relay. The output can switch
currents up to 3 Ampere
Piezo output (yellow):
This cable can be connected to the accompanying Piezo speaker. So you can make a
successful recognizing of the tag hearable. However, it´s not necessary to implement the piezo in the bike if you
don´t like it.
Start button (blue):
Your Start button is
connected to this cable. The other cable of the start button is wired to
Programming cable (orange):
This line is connected to ground if you want to store a new tag in the rfid module.
The training process can be repeated anytime in case if you lost a tag. This line must be de connected from ground
if the learn procedure is done.
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