calibration procedures. Under normal circumstances, platform A should
not require calibration. Platform B may be calibrated if you notice
an error greater than ±0.2g when checking with calibration weights.
Only use a real calibration weight. Do not use items such as coins to
calibrate as this will degrade accuracy.
IX. Platform A Calibration
Before proceeding, make sure you have a 5000g calibration
weight. Using the wrong weight will cause inaccuracy.
1. Turn the scale ON and press the MODE key to change the
display to platform A (‘A’ will be displayed on the left)
2. Turn the scale OFF.
Press and hold the UNIT key then tap the ON/OFF key to turn
the scale on.
Tap the UNIT key again, the display will show “CAL” followed by
the required calibration weight (5000g).
Place the required calibration weight on the center of platform A
(the glass platform). The display will show “PASS” then return to
normal weighing mode. Calibration is complete!
X. Platform B Calibration
Before proceeding, make sure you have a 500g calibration weight
weight. Using the wrong weight will cause inaccuracy.
1. Turn the scale ON and press the MODE key to change the
display to platform B (‘B’ will be displayed on the left)
2. Turn the scale OFF.
Press and hold the UNIT key then tap the ON/OFF key at the
same time. Now release both keys.
Tap the UNIT key again, the display will show “CAL” followed by
the required calibration weight (500g).