MR-1824HiLo/MC Installation Sheet
Installation Sheet
(Wiegand Interface)
MR-1824HiLo and
These instructions are for Model MR-1824
credentials from AWID. The “
” model
Parts List
(a) 1 Installation sheet for MR
and MR-1824HiLoMC Reader Sets
(b) 2
MR-1824HiLo or MR-1824HiLoMC Reader
(c) 8 #6-20 × 1.375” self-tapping screw
Reader Location
: Select the readers’ mounting location
metal. Mount
reader units on flat metal surfaces at least 8 inches square. Observe ADA
height requirements. The units may be install
are exposed directly to rain or snow, or to
The two “HiLo” units may be up to 30 feet apart. (In practice, the units may
Test this
before making the final decision o
DC Power Supply
: Use a separate power supply
regulated DC output. Do
connect the reader
units are connected to the separate power supply, voltage on the
The two units may share a single 2 ampere power supply, or
to Controller and Power Supply: 5
power, 3 wires for Wiegand data, and 1 or 2
Overall 100%
shield for both power and data
The “HiLo” units’
(b) the panel reader port’s Ground or Negative
If the DC power supply is close to the
power, and (b) 3 to 5 wires, 22 gauge
Additional wires connect the units’ orange and violet wires (crossed over)
cables must be overall-shielded and earth
Conduit: If cables are pulled through metal
– Cut off the 10-pin female
connectors. All further wiring junctions will use the
Open the Units
– Remove the 4 screws in the cover’s beveled edges. Lift the cover off the base. Pull the
cable behind the cover gently and remove the LED assembly. Save the 4 screws for final assembly in step 5.e.
Mark the Mounting Holes
– Use the reader unit’s base as a template. Level the base. Mark the 4 mounting
holes on the wall or surface. Mark and drill the cable’s clearance hole (if
clearance hole.
Version 2.2 / Doc# 041509
(Wiegand Interface)
MR-1824HiLoMC LF
1824HiLo and MR-1824HiLoMC readers, using
model is compensated to mount the readers directly on
Installation sheet for MR-1824HiLo
| (d) 8 Plastic screw anchor
1824HiLoMC Reader Sets
| (e) 10 Screw-hole plug for reader’s cover (2 spare
1824HiLoMC Reader
| (f) 4 Cable slot plug (pre-installed in
tapping screw
MR-1824HiLoMC readers
mounting locations. Mount
reader units 4 inches away from
reader units on flat metal surfaces at least 8 inches square. Observe ADA
installed outdoors, but they need protection (a non
to bright sunlight in a hot environment.
The two “HiLo” units may be up to 30 feet apart. (In practice, the units may work well up to 75 feet apart.
l decision on extended distance between the two units.)
Use a separate power supply – 12 volts DC, current rating
connect the reader units’
wires to the panel’s +DC terminal.
power supply, voltage on the units’ red and black wires should be
he two units may share a single 2 ampere power supply, or they may have separate 1 ampere power supplies.
5 to 7 conductors from the “HiLo” set to the system (2
or 2 wires for external LED and Beeper/Alarm, if used
ower and data
. 500 feet maximum length. Both “HiLo” units share this cable.
be connected to
(a) the DC power supply’s N
or Negative or Common terminal (for Wiegand Data Common).
If the DC power supply is close to the “HiLo” units, you may run two cables – (a) 2 wires
for Wiegand data, and for the external control lines, if used
connect the units’ orange and violet wires (crossed over) – 2 wires, 22 gauge
and earth-grounded at the ends far from the reader
pulled through metal conduit, the conduit should be earth-grounded
female connectors from the end of the reader units’ cables. Discard the
All further wiring junctions will use the reader cables’ individual wires.
Remove the 4 screws in the cover’s beveled edges. Lift the cover off the base. Pull the
cable behind the cover gently and remove the LED assembly. Save the 4 screws for final assembly in step 5.e.
Use the reader unit’s base as a template. Level the base. Mark the 4 mounting
holes on the wall or surface. Mark and drill the cable’s clearance hole (if used). Pull the cable through the
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Reader Sets
, using compatible proximity
rectly on large metal surfaces.
hole plug for reader’s cover (2 spares)
installed in
reader units 4 inches away from
reader units on flat metal surfaces at least 8 inches square. Observe ADA
on (a non-metal housing) if they
up to 75 feet apart.
s or more, linear-rated,
terminal. When the 2 “HiLo”
red and black wires should be
have separate 1 ampere power supplies.
to the system (2 wires for DC
Beeper/Alarm, if used). 18 gauge.
Both “HiLo” units share this cable.
Negative terminal
(for Wiegand Data Common).
2 wires, 18 gauge for DC
and for the external control lines, if used.
2 wires, 22 gauge, unshielded.
from the reader.
grounded (like the cables).
connectors from the end of the reader units’ cables. Discard the
Remove the 4 screws in the cover’s beveled edges. Lift the cover off the base. Pull the
cable behind the cover gently and remove the LED assembly. Save the 4 screws for final assembly in step 5.e.
Use the reader unit’s base as a template. Level the base. Mark the 4 mounting
ed). Pull the cable through the