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Doc# 041326
AWID's MPR-5005 reader is a Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) reader operating
at 125kHz with Ethernet or RS-232 I/O interface. It has an internal power converter,
allowing it to work with a wide range of supply inputs without affecting its performance.
The MPR-5005 readers are delivered with the following components and accessories:
Antenna: MPR-5007 (single antenna) or MPR-5011A/B (dual antenna)
Power supply: Input = 110 VAC ~ 240VAC, 50~60Hz. Output: 12 VDC, 1 A
RF Cables: Two 6-foot cables are included with MPR-5011A/B antenna. RF
cable is connected to the MPR-5007 Antenna.
To control the MPR-5005 reader you will need the following:
PC running Windows 98 or higher, one RJ45 Ethernet or one RS-232 serial port.
AWID MPR-5005 Reader design for communicating with Atmel AT24RF08 chip
transponder (TAG HPPN 0960-2349) in working frequency at 125KHz.
MPR-5005 RFID reader use small loop low frequency antenna, matched inductance is
220uH. Reader provides all controls and RF energy to activate the transponder. Two
different antenna configurations can be connected to the readers BNC connector. The
reader checks the received transponder (tag) and responds to an end-user computer via
Ethernet (LAN) or RS232 communication.
MPR-5007 is the single antenna solution for the MPR-5005 reader. The MPR-5007
antenna measures 25.5” x 21.5” x 0.75” and is shielded from EM interferences to
increase performance of the reader system. Antenna housing is made from molded
Polystyrene (PS) and is connected to the reader via BNC coaxial cable. Read range is
typically 20-inches
MPR-5011A and MPR-5011B are a paired antenna solution for the MPR-5005 reader.
The antennas measure 20” x 10” x 1.5” and is shielded from EM interferences to
increase performance of the reader system. Antenna backing is made from Type 1
PVC, and the top cover is molded Polystyrene (PS). The antenna pair is connected to
the reader via coaxial cable with BNC ends. The dual antennas are placed opposite
each other to achieve a read range of 32”. Polarity is important for these antennas; the
AWID top covers must be facing each other.