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Avolites Ltd
184 Park Avenue, Park Royal, London, NW10 7XL, England.
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this menu you can toggle Sofykey C between [Freeze Current Values] and [Release to
Playback Values]. If you want to always put dimmer information into the programmer
when you turn a fixture on, then press [@] twice to send the fixture to full.
Once your fixtures are on, you have two ways to control them – using the wheels or the
Attribute Control Window.
If you are using the wheels, then you can change attribute bank using the letters above
the virtual encoders. As soon as you change a value, it will have a cyan circle around the
letter, indicating that the value is now in the programmer. You can use the up/down
arrows on the attribute to send a percentage value to 100/0, or to jump between a
range, you can type a value in and then select where to assign it on the Softkeys, or you
can use the virtual encoder above the attribute.
6.2 Attribute Control Window
With the Attribute Control Window, this will list every attribute the fixture has on the left
hand side. This includes a full colour picker for CMY/RGB fixtures, visual keystoning and
blade control for media servers, fixtures with internal shutters or virtual barn doors, and
video thumbnail previews for media servers that talk CITP (Ai, Hippotizer, Arkaos,
Screen Monkey, Robe Digispot).