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14. You may copy images from the USB stick to the eMMC.
root@plnx_arm:~# cd /run/media/sda1
root@plnx_arm:~# ls
root@plnx_arm:~# cp file1 ../mmcblk1p1
root@plnx_arm:~# cp file2 ../mmcblk1p1
15. Prior to testing the Wi-Fi, you must edit the configuration file to match your wireless
settings. The config file is
and is located on the eMMC. You
must edit this file so that SSID and passcode (psk) match your wireless connection. You
can use the built-in editor vi to do this.
For a list of vi commands, refer to
You may also copy
to the USB stick, then edit on your PC, then
copy back to the eMMC.
root@plnx_arm:~# vi /run/media/mmcblk1p1/wpa_supplicant.conf
Figure 11
– Edit these 2 fields in wpa_supplicant.conf
16. To test your Wi-Fi connection, several setup steps are required. To ease the burden of
typing, a script has been provided in the
directory, which is in the
default search path. To view the script, use the
command. View the comments in the
script to understand what the script is doing.
root@plnx_arm:~# cat /usr/local/bin/
17. Run the script to setup the Wi-Fi as shown below
When MiniZed connects with the network it will obtain an IP address and report it in the Tera
Term window as below.