IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
IPv6: The New Internet Protocol
IPv6 stands for Internet protocol version 6 and is the succes-
sor to IPv4.
The FRITZ!Box supports the new IPv6 web protocol and can al-
ready establish IPv6 connections today:
IPv6 support can be switched on in the FRITZ!Box user
interface, in the “Internet / Account Information” menu.
For simultaneous use of IPv6 and IPv4, the FRITZ!Box
supports dual-stack and dual-stack lite. This means that
the FRITZ!Box can communicate with both IPv4 and IPv6
domains in the Internet.
The FRITZ!Box supports native IPv6 and IPv6 with a tun-
nel protocol. Native IPv6 means that your Internet Ser-
vice Provider supports IPv6 directly on your line.
IPv6-capable Services in the Home Network
FRITZ!NAS access via SMB or FTP/FTPS
access to the user interface with http or https over IPv6
The DNS resolver of the FRITZ!Box supports queries for
IPv6 addresses (AAAA records) and can query the up-
stream DNS resolver of the Internet Service Provider over
The globally valid prefix is distributed via router adver-
For guest access to the WLAN, the home network and
WLAN guests are separated by IPv6 subnetworks.
UPnP, UPnP AV media server
IPv6-capable Services in the Internet
FRITZ!NAS access via FTPS
completely closed firewall to protect against unwanted
data from the Internet (Stateful Inspection Firewall)
automatic provisioning (TR-069)
time synchronization over NTP (Network Time Protocol)
remote access via https
FRITZ!Box 3270-en.fm Seite 42 Mittwoch, 14. März 2012 2:44 14