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195 World Location
Figure - Graphic Controller Window World Location
The current location of the controller can be seen as a red dot on a globe in the lower left corner of the
window. This globe rotates to show the approximate position of the controller on the earth as well as
showing the Latitude and Longitude coordinates in text.
4.5 Login Menu
The Login Menu is located on the toolbar in the upper left hand corner of the Main AAQRemote
Main Window → Login
Level 0
Figure 4.5a - File Login Menu Select
The AAQ Controller system provides the ability to have the user login to access various levels of
interaction with the controller. This allows users of higher levels to access configuration parameters
and sensor output variables that can change the functionality of the controller while users of lower
levels can run the system but are limited in their ability to modify behavior. To login to the
controller left-click the Login button on the File Bar (Login). This will bring up the Login window
where the user can enter their credentials and send them to the controller.