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With no clear winner, the AAQ is designed to work with all three. Special provisions are made in the
design of the AAQ software and available configuration parameter settings to compensate for their
short-comings. Scan speeds can be varied to account for variation in response time and the rate at
which new measurements are provided. Averaging times can be modified to deal with different
sensitivity levels. The SATTANT process reduces the necessity for satellite signal identification at the
expense of additional acquisition time. Finally, if more than one type of signal source is present in
the system, then the AAQ allows each source to be assigned the task that they are best suited to
Profile System
The AAQ Profile System is a powerful tool that is available in the AAQRemote .Net GUI. It is
described in detail in Chapters 4 & 5 as well as in the DvB receiver appendix H. For the average
operator, it provides the means to create a selectable target without having to adjust simple
parameters for longitude, polarization or signaling devices each time. For the knowledgeable
operator or integrator, it provides the ability to optimize the AAQ’s acquisition and peaking
processes for each satellite placed on the Target Satellite list. Additionally, profiles can be created
where different carriers on the same satellite have individual requirements. It also allows the
operator to optimize the appropriate AAQ configuration parameters, such as scan speeds, dwell
times and carrier thresholds for each of the signal sources present in that particular antenna system.
When the profile is complete, it becomes a selection in the Target Profile drop-down menu on the
main screen of all AAQ GUIs. The operator of the antenna in the field can select that profile and
immediately benefit from all of the careful system optimization work done by others without ever
logging in to the AAQ system and changing a single parameter. Through Profiles, the end-user
experience is simultaneously simplified and optimized.