CN6314 F551 e-manual
If your PC isn't running well, resetting it might help. This lets
you choose to keep your personal files or remove them, and
then reinstalls Windows. Click Get started
and then choose an
Keep my files
Removes apps and settings, but keeps your personal files.
Remove everything
Removes all of your personal files, apps, and settings.
Start up from a device or disc (such as a USB drive), change
your PC’s firmware settings, change Windows startup settings,
or restore Windows from the system image. This will restart
your PC.
If you want to perform this action, click restart Now
Third-party applications will be removed.
You can go to Settings
update & security
recover your Laptop
When a problem occurs with the Laptop, it is easy to restore the
Laptop to the factory default settings. Back up important data
regularly before a problem occurs with the Laptop.
reset this pC
advanced startup