Receiver Name:
Receiver name is the Name of the Power Receiver that is selected. If no
name has been selected then it will be left blank
Receiver ID:
Receiver ID is the physical address of the Power Receiver that is used by
the 9268-M to identify the device
The status on the 9268 will show the following:
On: The 9268 Slave device has been setup correctly and is currently detectable
Off: The 9268 Slave device cannot be detected or is off
NA: There is no current device setup on that access Number
Control Center:
The control center will show the following:
The device cannot connect or has been turned off
The device is connected and the master device can detect the device
RF Control Panel:
To control each of the 9268-PR Device click on the little satellite picture on the screen
and control panel for that unit will appear
(Satellite Picture)
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