Android Repeatedly Prompts to Login to Wifi
After you login to the wifi network and are able to access the mobile web interface without issue, Android
continues prompt you to login to the wifi network from the notification menu. When you tap the notification to
log in again, a
401 Unauthorized
error message is displayed.
This occurs because you are connected to a closed wifi network without internet access. Android devices
display these notifications whenever they lose internet connection to the Google servers.
Perform any of the following:
Ignore the error message and login prompts. You are still able to access the mobile web interface
regardless of the notifications.
In the top-right corner of the error message, tap the menu button and select
Use this network as is
access the mobile web interface as usual. The login prompts stop displaying while you are using the
mobile device, but may return once the device is idle.
Android Repeatedly Prompts to Login to Wifi