pad replacement instructions
p A d R E p l A C E M E N T i N S T R u C T i o N S
Remove the e-clip from the pad retainer bolt. Use a 2.5 mm hex
wrench to remove the pad retainer bolt from the caliper.
Place a flat blade screwdriver between the brake pads, then
carefully rock it back and forth to push the pistons completely into
their bores.
Pull on the brake pad tabs to remove the pads and pad spreader
Place the spreader clip between the pads as shown. Align the hole
in the spreader clip with the holes in the brake pad tabs. Squeeze
the pad and clip assembly together, then insert it into the caliper
from the top of the caliper. Push the pad/clip assembly into the
caliper until the holes in the spreader clip, brake pads, and caliper
are aligned.
Insert the pad retainer bolt into the outboard side of the caliper,
through the pad spreader and pads, and into the inboard side of
the caliper. Use a 2.5 mm hex wrench to thread the pad retainer
bolt into the caliper, then tighten it to 0.6-0.9 N∙m (5-8 in-lb).
Replace the e-clip onto the pad retainer bolt.
2.5 mm hex
0.6-0.9 N∙m
(5-8 in-lb)