A V G A nti- V irus Free E dition 2 0 1 1 © 2 0 1 0 C opyright A V G T ec hnologies C Z, s .r.o. A ll rights res erved.
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In this section, you can specify how the e-mail messages will be scanned:
Use Heuristics
on by default
) - check to use
heuristics detection method
when scanning e-mail messages. When this option is on, you can filter e-mail
attachments not only by extension but also the actual contents of the
attachment will be considered. The filtering can be set in the
Mail Filtering
Report Potentially Unwanted Programs and Spyware threats
on by
) - check to activate the
engine, and scan for spyware
as well as for viruses.
represents a questionable malware category:
even though it usually represents a security risk, some of these programs can
be installed intentionally. We recommend to keep this feature activated as it
increases your computer security.
Report enhanced set of Potentially Unwanted Programs
off by default
) -
mark to detect extended package of
: programs that are perfectly ok
and harmless when acquired from the manufacturer directly, but can be
misused for malicious purposes later. This is an additional measure that
increases your computer security even more, however it can possibly block
legal programs, and is therefore switched off by default.
Scan inside archives
on by default
) - check to scan contents of archives
attached to e-mail messages.
Enable thorough scanning
off by default
) - in specific situations (
suspicious of your computer being infected by an virus or exploit
) you may
check this option to activate the most thorough scanning algorithms that will
scan even those areas of your computer that can hardly get infected, just to
be absolutely sure. Remember though that this method is rather time
E-mail attachments reporting
In this section, you can set additional reports about potentially dangerous or
suspicious files. Please note that no warning dialog will be displayed, only a
certification text will be added to the end of the e-mail message, and all such reports
will be listed in the
E-mail Scanner detection
Report password protected archives
– archives (
ZIP, RAR etc.
) that are
protected by password are not possible to scan for viruses; check the box to
report these as potentially dangerous.
Report password protected documents
– documents protected by password
are not possible to scan for viruses; check the box to report these as
potentially dangerous.
Report files containing macros
– a macro is a predefined sequence of steps
aimed to make certain tasks easier for a user (
MS Word macros are widely
). As such, a macro can contain potentially dangerous instructions, and